Introducing Aidan Eddy

July 15, 2024

Introducing Aidan Eddy!


We’re excited to show off another member of our team! Aidan is a former Illinois State Red Bird who majored in Construction Management. He is the newest Project Engineer for PJ Hoerr but has been a part of the construction industry for a lot longer than you think. See the last photo to see Aidan's first day on a job site, we knew he had potential!


Construction means a lot to Aidan, and it runs deep in his family. He made sure to tip his hard hat to his dad, a seasoned pro with over 25 years of experience. For Aidan, it's about the thrill of turning blueprints into buildings and the satisfaction of seeing a project through from start to finish.


When he's not on the job site, you can find him hitting the golf course or cheering on his favorite football teams, the LSU Tigers or the Pittsburgh Steelers. PJ Hoerr isn't just a company for Aidan; it's a family tradition. Aidan has always been in awe of the incredible work PJ Hoerr produces.


Now, he's excited to roll up his sleeves and contribute to the legacy of a company known for its exceptional people and outstanding projects.


“PJ Hoerr is a company filled with great people that have the same goals and ideas that reflect in the work that is done, and I am excited to be a part of it.”


Here's to Aidan, welcome to PJ Hoerr!
