Knox College Renovation of Beta Theta Pi

Galesburg, IL

This project was a complete renovation of the 8,820 sq. ft. three story Knox College Beta Theta Pi Fraternity building. The present three-story brick home of the Xi Chapter was built in 1920 next to the looming presence of Alumni Hall. Eight years later, the elegant Seymour Library was built just south of the house. The Beta House has been a central part of the Knox campus and of Greek life and remains so today, even as it approaches its centennial. 


See also: Our Renovation of Alumni Hall

The Challenge

Bringing Beta Back

The Xi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Knox College was founded in 1855, not only as the first fraternity on campus, but also the first fraternity in the state of Illinois.

This residential fraternity house located at 112 West South Street was in need of repair for many different factors. The house had begun to lean to the west, split away from the porch and deteriorate in numerous areas due to the weight imposed on it by the residents in addition to its old age.

The house also contained asbestos, mold and an outdated heating system. This made the house not only uncomfortable to live in during winter months, but at times unhealthy for the residents.

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The Process

P.J. Hoerr was brought on board to do a near complete gut and remodel.

Here is a list of what construction was performed:

All flooring
All sub flooring
Had to sister existing joist and add structural steel
Majority of partition walls
Removed ceilings
Replaced ceilings
Added north stair for egress
Removed east stair and replaced
Removed casework
Replaced casework
New closet systems
All Plumbing
Added wheelchair lift
Removed Most of the electrical saved 2 panels
Pulled all new wire
Removed and replaced fire alarm
Removed all the steam heat system
Replaced with forced air
Removed all plumbing
Replaced all plumbing
Removed back porch
Replaced with deck

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The Result

This project was a complete renovation of the 8,820 sq. ft. three story Knox College Beta Theta Pi Fraternity building.